Month: June 2009

  • Notes to we

    @science_diction - yes people do Will whatever they want. This doesn't mean it's irrational. Rationality and morality aren't the same thing - it's why the insanity defence is controversial - e.g., my Will is to kill this person, my act of procuring the gun, with bullets, in order to kill the person were rational acts leading up to the deed - viz, I know what I was doing and why I was doing it, hence my willful and intentional act which no one may prevent, except for maybe self defence. No doubt. But look at it in terms of speech. Are you - the generic individual - so incapable that we as a body politic can't handle speech, can't handle democracy, that various words or phrases shall somehow create a clear and present danger that cannot be tolerated? To a degree, yes - e.g., screaming "fire" in a crowded theatre. So what morality amounts to is self preservation. Every living thing - except anerobic bacteria - has adaptive means to get water - e.g., roots and leaves on a plant. Without this inherent, intuitive, whatever word we invent by whatever means to represent it - what would be the point without it. It's a rhetorical question and it - self preservation - comes to be adopted as the ethos of various collectives. That doesn't mean however that there is some universal rule or doctrine dictating a peaceful, seamless and transparent resolve. It means two things - you as one resisting my Will is an act of self preservation. All speech is, all things are. So any hinderance of these various things are in defiance of human evolution, which is the only solution to everything. It's the only universal.

    Anyway somewhere he or someone says to me

    "But, again, self-preservation is not necessarily a survival mechanism - especially in a communal species such as homo sapiens. We aren't sharks or snakes. We're hominids. Social interaction, connection, congruence is part of our nature. Its an adaptation, not an abstraction. Perhaps these deviants are merely a predator evolving from the flock? I find you interesting to talk to :) I get the impression you're trying to return to a more primal state of existence? Is this accurate? If so, might I inquire as to the personal drive or what you are seeking on this journey?"

    Self preservation is all life is everything else is created by you. It's very simple to see you merely refuse to face the simplicity of it all and think everything has to be complicated - typical Westerner. Look at earth and imagine it devoid of people. It's easy to see what people created and then manifested. Creation occurs in the mind manifestation is bringing the creatin into physical being. Life atop the world is merely the cascading Wills projected by individuals - in this regard "there is no other god than I" or as John Jay coined it "we are all sovereigns without subjects" - you on the other hand have to free yourself from the Conservative Paradigm you are presently trapped in whch represses me you and everyone like I said it's all about Power and Control.
  • Update on NDNY case

    I made my deadline Thursday and filed for FRCP 60(b) post judgment relief. I really don't like the idea of doing an appeal as an unlicensed pro se at the 2d Circuit; which is not to say I'm procedurally illterate: they just schlep us around - oral argument is an automatic 5mins. The last time I was down there I listened to 3 sets of lawyers waste 20 minutes each, repeating, being miffed by the questions asked, it's very disheartening, as it's intended to be

    Maybe I'll write more later I'm still burned out from the whole thing and I'm supposed to go to a family reunin tomorrow - I feel like sleeping in
  • Bad News

    My 1st Amendment case was dismissed in it's entirety I have 8 days to file for reargument
  • A Brief Respite - Some Info on Me !!

    In case you were wondering ...

    You are 47% Bisexual

    You aren’t really bisexual. You are either strait or gay, although sometimes you get a little bi-curious, and fantasize about joining the other team. You are very confident in you sexuality, and you like to flirt.

    Your Ideal Sex Position is...


    Kinky! Orgasmic! (If you can pull it off.)
    Only for those about the same height -
    The pieces may fit... they just might!
    'What is your Ideal Sex Position?'

    blazintommyd --

    An oral sex master

    'How will you be defined in the Sexual Dictionary?' at

    You have a Seductive Bedroom Personality!
    You are all about the classic seductive style. You can get almost anyone to hop into bed with you based on your charm alone. You are incredible at reading people and know just how to give everyone you sleep with a unique experience.
    'What's your Bedroom Personality?' at

    You are 81% kinky

    You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex?

    Take this quiz at

    You should make love to soul

    You like to groove, slow and steady. Throw on the James Brown and let the atmosphere envelop your lovemaking.

    Take this quiz at


  • Repost this and calls your Newspapers, Radio Local News refer them to me

    I sent this to Fox news, the NY Times, Rolling Stone, the Nation [text in brackets is added for you]
    You did an exclusive story on me in 2006 when my broadcasting privileges were suspended at WHRW FM Radio whose FCC broadcasting license is held by Bingamton University.

    I sued BU and the station in Federal Court for deprivation of my 1st and 14th Amendment rights under the US Const. by persons acting under color of law  
    At the Present time NYS AG Andrew Cuomo is pleading the 11th Amendemnt holds BU Immune that they are free to violate the US Const whenever they like.

    [Under his theory Brown v Brd of Ed would have never been alllowed in Federal court]

    Presently pending at the NDNY is my motion for a preliminary injunction of station policy imposing a 24 hour broadcasting ban on indecent and profane speech which is to be heard on submission by the order of assigned Judge Thomas McAvoy on June 8, 2009.

    Call me for more details. You told me to let you know if I sued. This is a big story that a Big Deal Democrat is screaming States Rights in defense of censorship - it's more than newsworthy and you ought to report it before it gets swept under the rug  -the case is Dyno v SUNY Bing and WHRW FM Radio 3:09 cv 313

    Pass it around - please recommend whatever

  • Job Kernl Widget

    I just posted this Job Kernl widget for 500 credits. You can earn free credits too!