Month: September 2009

  • Per Request >;D

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    The Smooth Little Hole

  • My best Friend


    tommy cock 2

    Whoever said dog must be crazy

  • International Trucks Maxxforce TV Widget

    I just posted this Maxxforce TV widget for 500 credits. You can earn free credits too!

    Inspiration for my up and cumming (O dear) Gay Sex All Male Blog >:O

  • blow me

    So anyway there this datingish blog about a girl that can't eat because her boyfriend of one month strating telling her she's ugly and she's like OMG does this happen to other girls and ths is what I said
    Women do it to men all the time - it's usually the father's fault for creating unachievable expectations for the girl; men suffer a similar fate but have a greater ability to rebel due to Heterosexual Patriarchy consequently they take their disappointments in life out on women; but it's women's fault too for being like whores - e.g., Daddy says you owe me this and this and this and they might as well say for my pussy because that's what it is reduced to
    I saw a bisexual profile the other day and said to myself boy i wish I could learn to be as satisfied with a cock, it essentially said ' I got tired of all the buy her roses out to dinner and wait bullshit so now I'm just doing guys' so that's a factor too the man takes it out on the woman because he'd rather just be with a guy but society won't let him and girls will make fun of him. 
    Finally what is comes down to is an obsolete paradigm that the GOP and Dixie Conservatives impose and are convincing you to hold onto. John McCain and all of those assholes represent a race of people that were thoroughly enamoured with Adolf Hitler and Mussolini - we don't know too much about those except they killed Jews because all of the rest of their shit is 100% exactly like American Conservatism - God Family and Country - see Fellini's "Amarcord" 
    Which all goes back to the Aeon of Horus and Aleister Crowley the Soothsayer telling the world that cruelty rules or that it will at least start out that way evolution will take care of the rest but that's what it all has led us to. 
    The problem is Conservatives are opposed to evolution. What people have to do is learn how to Love and live their own lives instead of trying to live their parents or up to their expectations. Parents have been the key in the survival of Nazi Fascism. Exercise your freedom and see littlel Adolf spring into actiion.
    The Conservative Fascisti create role models for you to follow which led to these problems you're having. Reject them tell them fuck you I live my own life and accept the consequences and try to find as much happines as you can because we're all going to be dead soon. 
    Tell your bf that but to thine own self be true too