October 15, 2010

  • Punished !! October 2010

    1st of all I don’t believe in Life before or after death so whatever one might do that is considered a sin has it’s consequences in life and that’s the only way I can address this question.

    So what might the consequences in life be if you (as a man) make up an image in your mind in order to cum to it.

    It’s an interesting proposition because it is something which I think is essentially male. The devotion of jizz to another person – in Heterosexual Patriarchal terms – breeding – e.g., People Israel; they took our slaves we need child labor on the family farm. But like everything else there’s no real way of proving that this is essentially male or that it’s something that ought to be punished – for example – my cousin taught me to masturbate (I hate that word) but unfortunately when he was showing me on himself his father knocked on the bathroom door and said hey what are you two doing in there !! so we hurried out and I never got the full details – e.g., it works better if you use lube, like maybe you ought to wash your hands first and as with soap be careful of what you might get into the hole. So for a long time I actually did abuse myself trying to figure out – what is the big deal with this ? !! ?

    Because all i was doing was going through the motions. So one of the consequences might or could be an actual physical malady – e.g., brush burn, urethral irritation, trauma. yeast infection !! certain lubes may cause or contribute to this and your hand may spread it from one region to another; but 2d – God forbid (ie the Conservative Party forbid) that anyone discuss this especially an older man with a younger boy – OMG Homos !! But when I finally did cum listening to the Chiffons on CKLW one summer night totally naked on my bed, windows open with the summer breeze caressing my young warm flesh and tickling the head of my cock – I had no image so it was a purely physical act …

    But I have always adored the Chiffons after that

    So another consequence, maybe. So all of this pseudo morality made up by men; what is that all about? Like Jerry Falwell saying Fags deserve to die from AIDs because [the] God [of Love?] had men write in a book that a man that lays with another man must die or did i see that carved into a school desktop – I forget.

    But these sorts of precepts so long said and well known, makes fair judgment on the deep issue, difficult e.g., OMG I have a rash on my penis or it burns when I pee, God is punishing me.

    3rd – there is no way to prove that breeding is even natural or something that sex and orgasms have to be relegated to. In fact the 1st time i came I had no jizz and I had dozens if not 100s of jizzless orgasms not thinking about anything other than Holy Shit does this feel thoroughly awesome or what !! so it happened I had thoughtless orgasms that could not result in pregnancy even if it happened inside of an ovulating woman.

    In conclusion I have no doubt that all of this guilt and pseudo morality in re masturbation arose from Judaism – do not spill your precious seed because every bit must be used to people Israel – or scalp Native Americans. But still I have doubts.

    I saw a program where a Catholic Priest said masturbation is a sin because it is a selfish act and I have to admit this resonated with me somewhat because once I learned about creating what I now refer to as a Goddess image to devote my cum to I also realized that there are things which make orgasm easier than a purely physical act; which dovetails into another proposition – is Heterosex a purely physical act?

    Because the 1st time I had my cock into a pussy I came around 7 times in a row and it was irresistible unfortunately I also realized after she left me 7 years later that that was the best pussy I ever had. the point here is if you cum like that (in a fabulous pussy) for the 1st time instead of in your hand what other psychological effect might that have on orgasm and the philosophy thereof?

    So like any propaganda there has to be some truth to it otherwise no one would pay attention unfortunately i think that whatever truth there was is/was lost to all of this Conservative fundamentalist fanatical bullshit that essentially relies on post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy – whose sole precept is God said cuz some guy said that God said – e.g., pull your pants down now !! No !! In the name of God !! ok, OK !!

    In conclusion, I think if there is any sin in any of this it’s the abandonment of reason but something Can be harmful or hurtful whether it’s a sin or not especially if there is no such thing, in which case sin is merely the the cause of a harmful consequence of some action.

    Speaking for myself – actual fucking is better than using your hand whether there is some psychological block between pussy and mouth – I think there probably is otherwise every man on earth would be having their cock sucked on by other men – so aside from or else including within the idea of sin is a sort of cost pain pleasure analysis. Is the orgasm worth the abuse that might be caused by a hand rather than a pussy or mouth? And what are the risks or using a variety of pussys and/or mouths.

    So what happened to me? I have some sort of rash on the head of my cock and underneath on the shaft. After three weeks of not stroking my cock – except one day I couldn’t stand not doing so and two showers a day 12 hours apart with two applications of “ertaczo” after each shower, it cleared up considerably; but there were two flair ups so these were Not caused by stroking my cock – but were they caused by psychosomatic stigmata?

    Well I had a woman dermatologist who either felt uncomfortable because I’m a guy or felt a Guy could Handle it better so i was schlepped off to him who essentially turned it over a few times like a piece of junk mail or ‘what is this what the hell is this doing on my desk’ and he saw nothing wrong with it. Rub on some steroid cream – which is what made it worse before.

    So this entire experience put me through a lot of thinking like non Jews don’t realize that the head of your cock is essentially the equivalent of Christ incarnate – viz., “the God head”, the Astrological symbol of the Sun. The creator as it is above it is below. Jewish men are circumcised to show – this is my Covenant with God. Use your cock to people Israel. So for this to happen to a Jewish man is like the absolute mark of defilement short of actual cancer – your Covenant is Broken !! or maybe – this is a warning !!

    If one believes in God, Goddess, whatever the failure to ask that entity or demand the truth from it is another symptom generated from the failure to address and deal with the Deep Issue – I mean wtf kind of God/Goddess is that? That you can’t even ask? Adolf Hitler?

    So I’m watching Logo last night and these people were doing flower arrangments over nude people with Sushi and they blurred the cock, pussy, tits, you know the usual stuff and I thought you know this is the biggest cause of all of this shit – censorship. There ought to be programming on devoted to showing man cock and woman pussy just so everyone can see all of the varieties and what they’re supposed to look like. So what if a little kid sees it. Nobody gives a shit if some teenage girl adores Brad Pitt or some Rap ‘artist’ how old does she have to be before she’s allowed to know – Ut O he has one of those things just like Sporty – I wonder if he uses it like that too – and most of all what it’s supposed to look like when she’s finally allowed to see one. You know there is no test to see whether a man has HPV? But they sure as hell know how to blow up the world how many times over.

    So yeah you can say all of this is age old questions, but still no one addresses these things and what about evolution

    So Gays have come out of the closet and it’s time Heterosexuals did too – it’s truly the only solution, or the beginning of ourselves as a people evolving our way out of these USA Comstock dark ages

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